Why Is Accounting Often Referred to As the Language of Business? | Bizfluent (2024)

Accounting is the language of business because it's both useful and universal. If, say, a company has $1 million in sales revenue, and the cost of goods sold is $300,000, the gross profit on the income statement is $700,000. The numbers add up the same no matter which nation you work in or whether you speak English, Portuguese or Farsi. That allows investors and executives around the world to understand income, expenses and company value the same way.

The "Language of Business" Definition

Warren Buffett usually gets credit for first saying accounting is the language of business, back in 2014. Buffett pointed out that accounting in some ways is literally like a foreign language that has to be learned before you can understand it. Like French or Hebrew to an English speaker, accounting has many terms that sound foreign when you first encounter them: fixed assets, retained earnings, accounts receivable.

The advantage of learning the language is that you can speak it everywhere. Any income statement or balance sheet drafted according to the United States' generally accepted accounting practices will be readable and understandable by anyone who knows the basics of GAAP.

Even before Buffett turned the phrase, the use of accounting as a business language went back centuries. The Sumerians used accounting, though not in any form that GAAP would recognize. Correspondence counting used physical tokens to represent real goods: 10 stylized cow figures to represent the sale of 10 cows, for instance. A foreign trader could compare the number of tokens to the number of cows and confirm the amount was accurate, even if they didn't speak Sumerian. Even a trader who couldn't count could figure it out.

From using tokens, it was a short step to recording the number of tokens in each transaction on clay tablets. The Sumerians developed a stylized written system for tracking business transactions, the world's first bookkeeping ledgers. This system made it easier to trade, make business plans and collect taxes.

Other Business Languages

Accounting isn't the only discipline defined as the language of business: finance and economics could also qualify. All three are part of the core decision-making process.

The language of accounting explains a business's financial situation: how much money it brings in, how much its assets are worth, how much it owes. The language of finance takes the data that accountants develop and uses it to project the future: How will the company's value grow? What will the rate of return be for its investors? How should the company allocate capital? Economics is the language for discussing the underlying bedrock principles of how buying and selling works: supply and demand, consumer preferences, price elasticity.

All three languages can play a role in business decisions. For example, suppose your company has to decide whether to invest time and money in launching a new product. Accounting gives you hard numbers for what similar products have cost to launch in the past. It also gives you the figures for buying more manufacturing equipment, raw goods and the price of hiring more workers.

Accounting by itself may not give you the right answer, however. Past costs include overhead such as utilities, and administrative expenses, such as executive salaries. Those may not go up when you add new product lines or increase output. That's why you need finance and economics to project the future.

Using the language of finance, you start with your accounting data, then ask further questions. How will the costs of producing the new product affect your cash flow, for instance? Even if you're certain the product will be profitable eventually, it might drain a lot of cash in the short-term future? If the cash you spend makes it harder to pay your bills for the first couple of months, that's not going to fly.

The language of economics can help you understand the range of prices consumers will find acceptable and the volume that can be sold at different prices. If you have the flexibility to increase the price from your initial projections, that may solve the cash-flow problem.

Need to Learn the Language

Surprisingly, although accounting is the language of business, many executives don't speak it. That's one reason they pay accountants to explain that stuff to them in plain English. Leadership and strategic skills are more important career skills; recruiters value them more than accounting know-how, even when hiring chief financial officers. The rationale is that knowing what the company needs to do based on the cash-flow statement isn't going to help if you can't sway other executives to agree or come up with a strategy for implementing your conclusions.

In their early career years, an executive may not have any responsibilities that require them to learn the language of business. If they rise through the ranks, however, eventually they'll need at least basic fluency in accounting. Higher-level decisions require a financial, dollars-and-sense justification. The numbers an executive uses for that will come from bookkeepers or accountants. An executive who doesn't speak accounting will be less effective because he won't understand what they're looking at and he won't know what questions to ask.

Speaking the language of business requires, at a minimum, understanding the fundamentals:

  • The balance sheet: This financial statement shows the company's total assets, total debts and owners' equity.
  • The income statement: This shows income and expenses for a given period, including money earned or owed but not paid. If you just finished a $2,000 job on credit, you report it as income unless your accounting is cash-basis only.
  • The cash flow statement: This measures actual cash payments made or received, not credit.
  • How the results for a given period compared to predictions.
  • Operational figures such as costs per unit sold.

Without this knowledge, it's harder to make informed, intelligent decisions.

How Universal Is Accounting Language?

Saying accounting is the language of business overlooks that like spoken languages, accounting has different dialects around the world. In the United States, publicly traded companies have to draw up annual financial statements that conform to the GAAP rules. Most of the rest of the world relies on a different set of guidelines, the International Financial Reporting Standards or IFRS.

IFRS and GAAP are a lot alike. The differences between them aren't as drastic as night and day, but that's even trickier as the distinctions are easy to miss. That could, for example, lead to an investor experienced with GAAP making a mistake when appraising financial statements written under IFRS.

  • GAAP allows very little room for exceptions or interpretation. IFRS gives businesses more flexibility.
  • GAAP allows companies to use inventory-valuation methods that IFRS doesn't permit. IFRS allows companies that have reduced the value of the inventory on their books to raise the value back up; GAAP doesn't.
  • IFRS and GAAP value intangible assets such as patents and copyrights differently.
  • IFRS lets companies write off development costs over time. GAAP requires businesses to deduct them the year they incur the expense.
  • GAAP separates debts that will be paid off in the current year from long-term debts. IFRS doesn't.

Anyone who does business in both the U.S. and overseas needs to be bilingual in the two languages of business. Just to complicate things, the differences change over time as the accounting world tries to harmonize both languages. GAAP-based income statements used to separate "extraordinary items" such as the effects of a strike or an earthquake on the company from regular income and expenses. IFRS did not. Eventually, GAAP went along with IFRS and dropped the extraordinary item line entry.

Why Is Accounting Often Referred to As the Language of Business? | Bizfluent (2024)


Why Is Accounting Often Referred to As the Language of Business? | Bizfluent? ›

Accounting is often referred to as the “language of business” because it serves to communicate financial information about a company or organization. This vital function enables stakeholders, such as investors, creditors, and management, to understand a company's financial performance and position.

What is accounting called in the language of business? ›

Financial Accounting is often called the language of business; it is the language that managers use to communicate the firm's financial and economic information to external parties such as shareholders and creditors.

Which accounting is commonly known as the language of business because it is through which information about a business entity is communicated? ›

Accounting is famously known as the "language of business". Through the financial statements, the end-product reports in accounting, it delivers information to different users. Accounting is a means through which information about a business entity is communicated.

How is accounting the same from other business languages? ›

So, why is accounting called the language of business? Just like a universal language, business accounting helps people understand what is going on inside the business. This can help both business owners and financial advisors make productive decisions in business.

What is accounting as the language of business and an information system? ›

Accounting is the language of business. Its processes use numbers to tell a story about how your company is earning and spending money. An accounting information system provides the syntax that allows you to meaningfully collect, organize and interpret the information your accounting numbers provide.

Who first said accounting is the language of business? ›

Warren Buffett is credited with coining the phrase “accounting is the language of business.” And he couldn't be any more right. The easiest way to tell the health of a business is by reading their financial statements.

Is accounting a universal language of business? ›

Accounting can be considered a universal language – the numbers on a company's balance sheet mean the same thing across borders. Like any language, accounting has its own set of terminology.

Why is accounting important to business owners? ›

Accounting helps business owners keep track of assets, liabilities, income, and cash flow. This is extremely beneficial as it helps owners, managers, investors, and other stakeholders keep track of the financial performance of the business enabling them to make much more informed decisions.

Is considering the language of business because it communicates significant financial information to users or decision makers? ›

Accounting is often called “the language of business” because it communicates so much of the information that owners, managers, and investors need to evaluate a company's financial performance.

Which accounting is commonly termed as accounting? ›

Accounting, which is often just called "accounting," is the process of measuring, processing, and sharing financial and other information about businesses and corporations.

What is the relation between accounting and business? ›

Accounting plays a vital role in running a business because it helps you track income and expenditures, ensure statutory compliance, and provide investors, management, and government with quantitative financial information which can be used in making business decisions.

What is a business language? ›

What is business language? Business language is the language used in business such as in commerce, international trade, insurance, and banking. It entails using specific vocabulary and grammatical structures and clearly communicating clearly and concisely is vital in business communication.

Is accounting similar to business? ›

The accounting field focuses solely on accounting practices, principles, and theories. Meanwhile, business administration places an emphasis on business management and operations. An accounting degree prepares learners to consult and manage financial matters for businesses, governments, individuals, and organizations.

What is the function of accounting information system in the business? ›

An accounting information system (AIS) is used by companies to collect, store, manage, process, retrieve, and report financial data. AIS can be used by accountants, consultants, business analysts, managers, chief financial officers, auditors, and regulators.

Why accounting is important? ›

The core purpose of accounting is to help a business track and manage all of its transactions, including expenses and incomes. Accountants also track things like outstanding invoices or payments and owed debts, so the business executives can better understand the company's overall financial position.

How is accounting related to information systems? ›

Accounting focuses on recording, tracking, and reporting financial information according to the organization's needs and requirements. Accounting information systems include the software and hardware tools used to organize, classify, retrieve, and perform advanced analyses of that financial data.

Who invented business accounting? ›

Italian roots. But the father of modern accounting is Italian Luca Pacioli, who in 1494 first described the system of double-entry bookkeeping used by Venetian merchants in his Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita.

Where did the word accounting originate? ›

Etymology of the word 'accounting'

' It originated from Old French 'acont' meaning 'account, reckoning or terminal payment. ' The Old French term came from Latin 'computus' meaning 'calculation.

How important are accountants in society? ›

Without accountants to accurately track, analyze, and report financial information to the leadership team, the organization is likely to make strategic mistakes, making it far more likely that it goes out of business.

Is account called as language of business True or false? ›

The above statement is true.

Therefore, it is known as the language of business.

Is economics or accounting considered the basic language of business? ›

In business, there are three main “languages” – accounting, finance, and economics. While there are many other disciplines in business, such as marketing, human resources, operations, etc., it's the core principles and terminology behind accounting, finance, and economics that drive decisions across businesses.

What are the accounting concepts? ›

Accounting concepts are ideas, assumptions and conditions based on which a business entity records its financial transactions and organises its bookkeeping. It helps a business interpret and integrate a financial transaction into the accounting process.

Why is accounting called the language of business quizlet? ›

Because accounting is used to communicate financial information, it is often called the language of business. Accounting is the process by which financial information about a business is recorded, classified, summarized, interpreted & communicated to owners, managers & other interested parties.

What is the relationship between language and business? ›

The Importance of Language Skills in Business

As business people, we are aware of the fact that our words have power. Sometimes the wrong word can hinder progress in negotiations, and sometimes a lack of effective communication can threaten an otherwise healthy professional relationship.

What should be the language of communication in business? ›

English is currently the language of international business; therefore, businesspeople must be able to communicate effectively in English in order to achieve professional success.

What is the relationship between accounting and business finance? ›

While accounting focuses on the day-to-day management of financial reports and records across the business world, finance uses this same information to project future growth and to analyze expenditure in order to strategize company finances.

What is the difference between finance accounting and business? ›

Main Differences

One key difference between financial accounting and business accounting is that financial accounting is focused on meeting external financial standards, whereas business accounting is focused on meeting internal business needs.

Does accounting fall under business or finance? ›

In Summary

Finance and accounting are two of the most popular business degrees in higher education today.

What are the characteristics of the language of business? ›

There are a number of characteristics that are important in business English. These include clarity, conciseness, precision, and politeness. Of these, clarity is perhaps the most important. Business communication needs to be clear and unambiguous in order to avoid misunderstandings.

What are the types of language business? ›

Generally speaking, the four leading types of business communication include upward, downward, lateral, and external. There is no one “right” way to communicate within an organization.

Is accounting a business skill? ›

Accounting business skills can be learned by working in an accounting environment and getting involved in different business or financial functions. Developing accounting business skills often helps individuals become savvier in the business environment.

Can accounting help with a business? ›

Accounting helps a business stay in full control of its finances, while minimising business tax and other overheads. People with the talent for running a business may not have the knowhow or the appetite for also handling the accounts – and they certainly won't have the time.

Why accounting is the best business major? ›

More job opportunities: Accountants work for many businesses across a variety of industries. Graduated from an accounting program may find more open job opportunities. Higher earning potential: An accounting degree can help professionals qualify for advanced roles and higher incomes.

What are the 5 function of accounting in business? ›

Functions of Accounting are; control of financial policy, and formation of planning, preparation of the budget, cost control, evaluation of employees' performance, Prevention of errors and frauds.

What are the business languages and terminologies? ›

In business, there are three main “languages” – accounting, finance, and economics. While there are many other disciplines in business, such as marketing, human resources, operations, etc., it's the core principles and terminology behind accounting, finance, and economics that drive decisions across businesses.

What does accounting mean in common language? ›

Accounting, which is often just called "accounting," is the process of measuring, processing, and sharing financial and other information about businesses and corporations.

What is called accounting? ›

Accounting is organizing and summarizing financial data for a business. Working in accounting involves a variety of tasks, including analyzing financial data and auditing a company's finances.

What is the difference between accounting and bookkeeping? ›

The purpose of bookkeeping is to maintain a systematic record of financial activities and transactions chronologically. The purpose of accounting is to report the financial strength and obtain the results of the operating activity of a business.


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